Friday, March 28, 2008

{pLaYiNg wItH PipEr & pIzZa}

We had a totally FUN night at the Riddles! I wish I took my camera. Sister Riddle had pizza for us to make and we rocked out with Karoke! Boy you girls can sing! I domonstrated my "dance moves" but apparently they aren't to be considered dance moves...who knew! lol Bowling on the Wii and chit-chatting (about my lame moves) made it for a fun night. I had to stop and ask myself if anything was being accomplished in the spiritual aspect of the evening...leave it up to Piper, she was all over that department! The girl knows how to play!

I'm greatful for her devotion to the YW personal progress. After a crazy day at school with the evacuatuion due to the bomb threat and emotions running high, she still had our activity ready to go! What a trooper! We love Sister Riddle! She rocks! If you've missed our PP nights, you're really missing out! Plan on a fun time next month!
Sister Henke

P.s. plan on comming to the AWESOME fireside Sunday Night (3/30/08) It's going to be great! Don't forget it's at the Stake Center and wear your sunday best! See you there!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

We love Church Ball

Some more pictures of our fearless b-ball team members!

Some more pictures of our fearless b-ball team members!

Friday, March 14, 2008

B-Ball...12th Ward Style

We had a great season of Basketball! The girls worked really hard and played harder. We only won one game, but we had a great time! After each game we all went out for ice cream and hanging out time. It was fun while it on to futsal!


Amanda, Kassi and Robyn

Go Team!! Rah Rah Rah

